Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton was born on February 17th, 1981, to Rick and Kathy Hilton, making her the great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, founder of the Hilton hotels and source of the family fortune — estimated at $300 million. Her grandfather, Conrad “Nicky” Hilton, Jr., also brought some notoriety to the family, as he was the first of Elizabeth Taylor’s many ex-husbands. Paris’ younger sister, Nicky (born in 1983), shares the throne as co-heiress of the Hilton empire.

Paris the model

Growing up in Manhattan’s ritzy Waldorf-Astoria, the family’s New York home, as well as other Hilton digs in Beverly Hills and the Hamptons, Paris didn’t seem to yearn for much. Even after graduating from high school, college didn’t appeal to her. So, around the year 2000, Paris decided to branch out and become famous.

She began to make a name for herself as a model, soon appearing in shows for designers such as Marc Bouwer and Catherine Malandrino, and she later completed an ad campaign for Iceberg, an Italian label. In addition, Paris has posed for spreads in national magazines such as GQ, Vanity Fair and FHM, and has also been profiled, along with her sister, in People magazine.

Paris in the tabloids

At the same time, Paris became the center of attention because of her relationships — real or imagined by the paparazzi — with some of Hollywood’s hottest young stars. In early 2000, Paris was spotted around town with Leonardo DiCaprio. However, the press, especially the National Enquirer, blew their casual friendship far out of proportion. Nevertheless, she apparently dated Terminator 2’s Edward Furlong for a few months, and was later seen out and about with boxer Oscar de la Hoya. Paris has also been linked with actor and Tommy Hilfiger model, Jason Shaw, Sum 41 lead singer Derek Whibley, and Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys.

Paris, along with her younger sister Nicky, also became notorious as socialites, gracing party after party and getting bad press for their antics. For example, Paris has grabbed headlines by shoving ahead of others in a washroom line, then, when upbraided for her rudeness, quipped that she only wanted to look at herself in the mirror. She has also danced on top of bar banquettes, gone topless for attention, and paraded around in designer T-shirts with slogans like, “Got Blow?” Yet Paris maintains that the bad press “sucks” and that “people are mean.”

Paris stars in the simple life

Perhaps in an effort to clean up her image, Paris has tried to make her mark by working on more substantial projects. In 2001, she had a cameo appearance in Ben Stiller’s fashion spoof, Zoolander. Other appearances include a role as a strung-out supermodel in the film short QIK2JDG, The Hillz (co-starring boyfriend Jason Shaw), Wonderland, and the big-screen adaptation of the Dr. Seuss classic, The Cat in the Hat. She also starred in the FOX reality show, The Simple Life, based on Green Acres, and featured Paris Hilton living on a farm. The show was such a success that there will likely be a sequel.

On top of her burgeoning acting career, Paris has designed a high-end collection of purses for Tokyo label Samantha Thavasa, along with her sister Nicky. Paris has also given back; she has done charity work for Toys for Tots. Unfortunately, her attempts to start a modeling company and a makeup line seem to have fizzled.

Paris on video

Paris has also grabbed headlines thanks to a makeout session with notorious lesbian, Ingrid Casares, and a sex tape starring Paris and ex Rick Solomon that was released on the Net, and of course, spread like wildfire.

Paris Hilton also appears in 2004’s Raising Helen, starring Kate Hudson.






How to pick up a girl?

Sometimes picking up a girl may seem to be embarrassing, difficult and impossible especially if you are doing it for the first time. For most men it is not easy to approach a girl. So is it that hard to pick up a girl?

I think if you are confident, skillful, articulate, have sufficient courage, and are armed with the right techniques then it is not that difficult to approach or pick up a girl.

There are several things you need to take into consideration. Be positive:

Women do not like men who are pessimists and have a negative approach to life. Actually nobody like people like that. Hence, it is necessary to have a positive attitude and show it when it comes to picking up a girl.


"A smile increases your face value", and surprisingly it costs nothing. Therefore, especially while approaching any girl, smile constantly.

Utilize What You Have: Most men dwell on what they don't possess. They feel that they don't have the charm and seductive attraction some guys have. Sometimes they regret that they don't have a nice body.

But haven't you seen many men who are good looking but don't have any girl. Be confident and try to capitalize on the assets that you have! Make Her Laugh: Making your woman laugh will do the trick. Laughter attracts women easily and in less time. If you are successful in making her laugh a lot, you have already won the battle.

Don't Fear Rejection:

Most men remain unsuccessful in the task of picking up a girl because they fear rejection. The fear of rejection is the main cause behind the failure. Take every rejection as the next step to success and learn from your mistakes.

Every time you get rejected, you are moving one level up, because once you become comfortable with girls saying no, your fear of rejection will be gone. So instead of getting hurt, be confident after every rejection. Remember, the guys who get rejected the most are the ones who leave with the most numbers!

Be A Good Listener: It always pays to be a good listener. Observe the things she is saying as well as your surroundings. Stop worrying about what to say next and focus your attention on listening.

During the conversation, always make a direct eye contact with her. Believe me she will give you leads about what she would like to talk about, in essence, telling you want to say next.

Increase A Women's Interest:

If a woman is interested in carrying on a conversation with you or meeting with you, you have actually won half the battle.

You must concentrate on indulging in a conversation she would be interested in. Never fake it. Try to speak about a general topic, a situation or try to listen to her opinions on something really interesting.

Gain Respect: Remember that a woman would never like to sleep with a man she does not respect. It is necessary to gain respect by showing respect to a woman and making her realize that you genuinely like her company. Get Her Phone Number: Getting the phone number or contact details of a girl is important when it comes to picking her up. Now this is a difficult and time-consuming task. You must work hard in order to be successful in your goal.

Use Good Pick Up Lines:

When picking up a girl, you can never go wrong with a great pick up line. The best way to start a conversation with a woman is to say "hi". This is the best opening line.

Now, once she responds, try to proceed further. For example, if you are at a music concert, a theater or a sports arena. You can continue the conversation by saying

Now, if a woman is near you, you need to try out the famous 'goodbye introduction'. You can start with "Hi, I am just leaving. But before I do, I would like to introduce myself to the most wonderful woman around". And then see the result.

Perhaps it could become one of the best pick up lines. There are bright chances that she would show some interest (that otherwise was not possible) and you will get introduced to each other. Before leaving you can ask, "Nice talking to you. I'd like to talk to you again, is there a number I can reach you at?"

Believe me guys this always works and brings much better results. There is hardly any girl that would say "no", because you are giving her a chance and just asking her number to reach at. So use this technique to pick up any girl of your choice, and see the result.

Why? Because here her left-brain starts working and she would be under some hypnotic mode where she can't afford to say "no" because that will mean there is not a number that she can be reached at.

Moreover, it also makes you more original than every other idiot that asks for her number directly.

No doubt, the question how to pick up a girl seems to be difficult and it really is. However, you can simplify it by utilizing the powers you have, and following the tips and techniques mentioned above. All the best!

credited by Alexander Faust